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Mntra Mndala 2.0 Coming Today?

Comparison is the thief of joy, but Cube and Soundpaint both handle interchangeable samples with ease. Hopefully, MNDALA will be able to as well as it’s really the only limiting factor I’ve come across with the engine.

Maybe something to look forward to in v.3? 🙂
Just added UDW-LE and trying to add Huracan but I’m getting a ‘Server Error 500’ on it. Reached out to MNTRA Support to see if the issue can be resolved.

I’m definitely looking forward to spending some time this weekend exploring MNDALA 2! 🙂
Just added UDW-LE and trying to add Huracan but I’m getting a ‘Server Error 500’ on it. Reached out to MNTRA Support to see if the issue can be resolved.

I’m definitely looking forward to spending some time this weekend exploring MNDALA 2! 🙂
UDW is a lot of fun! If you like screams and howls.
You have to strike while the muse is white hot!
Now, actually strike - play that thing! Have fun.

Here a couple of pieces I have recorded with Atma only (plus effects in one case). Sorry that its not the library you have been looking at, but this is what I had hanging around and I wanted to get across a sense of Mndala.

The first is a complete perversion of everything Atma was intended for - lots of added distortion plus a guest appearance from Ultrasonic Death Whistle on vocals. (If I remember correctly, I was using Berserk by Waves for the distortion, which is pretty much the only time I've used it.)

View attachment 63046-74a37140be08333ddd635deab7faed9f.mp3

And this is playing a little more to Atma's strengths.

May be repeat, but would really benefit from detailed impressions of Caprakan.

Have everything else, but intro cost was so much beyond earlier releases.
Current sale makes things a bit better, yet still unsure. THX !
No problem, I just wroted that it did not install the current version for me, but it worked now.
So i edited it and that was the leftover :)
Even though it's completely free, which I do appreciate, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed that Mirage only covers a single-octave range. The material is so rich that I can't help but want to play chords with it! :)
Even though it's completely free, which I do appreciate, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed that Mirage only covers a single-octave range. The material is so rich that I can't help but want to play chords with it! :)
Yes, it is too good. What I've tried so far briefly, anyway. It would be nice to have a more extensive paid version. I've fallen behind with the developments in the Engine, I wonder if it has any capacity to artificially extend the range of the samples.
I've checked, but I can see any user control for moving the keys that samples are played on. This is a shame, since you can alter the pitch (without time stretching) up or down by up to an octave per sample set loaded. So, if you could remap the keys, you have used this to extend the range. Yes, the samples would be sped up and slowed down, but that could still have been useful. And may even be very effective in some contexts.
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