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Complainte de l'époux outragé (lament of the outraged spouse) BBCSO pro, Labs, voice, etc.

Very nice. Without knowing the context it's difficult to assess its dramaturgical effect, but it's really well-written. Top drawer orchestration.

The English translation, however, had me chuckling a few times. Are you aware that "zounds" hasn't been used in like, 100 years? It's a cartoon word. And I'm not sure what is implied by "I'll burn your brains out" lol.
Indeed, it is not easy to ask Google to translate a poet as special as Jules Laforgue!

So "Corbleu" in French has also not been used for 100 years. It is a word that reminds us of a familiar interjection of another age. Very captain Haddock in "tintin and Snowy" finally, so not so far from the cartoon either.

"Je te brûlerai la cervelle" (I will burn your brain) was said in the popular language of a shot in the head. It's a bit of the language of prison or the streets.

Overall, this poem has sounds that make you think of a popular language, with elisions, contractions and some outdated connections.

So I wanted to regain a little of this spirit of popular song (Barrel organ at the end), also integrating flights of mystical/loving exaltation (with the church organ) and the squeaky side of the orchestra to accompany the brutality of the jealous husband.

Thank you very much in any case for your listening and comment.

(And also delighted that my clumsy translation ready to smile, because it's a good way to de-dramatize the subject in the end, although involuntary!)
the context of my composition (I realize that it is necessary because it can be blurred indeed, I had the same problem on another forum triggering a torrent of spam...)
for the samples it is BBCSO pro from Spitfire, for the orchestra, Labs for the organ church, Carousel from Sonokinetic at the very end. My voice is recorded by a XV MK4 Schoeps couple.
It sounds very good! Both the composition, orchestration and the use of BBCSO and the mix.
Several times I thought “is this a recording or a mock up…?”
Thank you for sharing :).
It is indeed a big challenge to try to give this illusion of reality with samples. I really like this exercise even if it takes time!
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