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UVI Personal Voucher ending 19 March 2024


How long have I been out?
Did anyone else get a personal voucher for UVI? I just saw an email saying I have one for 50% off until 19 March 2024. If you haven't seen an email like that but are an existing customer/subscriber it might be worth checking your account to see if you have a personal voucher too.

(Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere; I couldn't find anything and wanted to alert people to the possibility.)
Yes, I got one, but frustrated that it's too short a window for me to take advantage of. I'd very happily add Glass Orchestra to my collection for €99, but couldn't do it until closer to the end of the month.
Ah well, UVI seem to be increasing their number of sales, and the depth of them, so hopefully it won't be too long before it comes round at that price again.
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Yes, Bee, I also received UVI's 50% off promotion; it's just that I currently have just about all the company's libraries I will actually use

I's a nice incentive, for sure, but I'm (slowly) learning that I cannot justify buying something just for the thrill of installing it 8-)
(as always, of course, ymmv)
It's tied to the current Falcon sale, you should have received one if you purchased Falcon already in the past.
Hmm...I purchased Falcon last year but didn't receive a voucher (or one in my account). Are you sure it's tied to owning Falcon? Where'd you get that info? Thanks.
Nuttin ! Zip ! Zero ! Vouchers. 😭 Not 'esteemed' 😳
Got UVI Workstation (latest), Digtal Synsations, Austrian Grand, Model D, Noctua, Prime8+ ..... Subscribe to Newsletter, Portal always updated. What more can UVI ask ??

Voucher PLZ ! ✌🏻
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Hmm...I purchased Falcon last year but didn't receive a voucher (or one in my account). Are you sure it's tied to owning Falcon? Where'd you get that info? Thanks.
The email starts "As an esteemed Falcon owner...", though it's unclear as to whether they regard Falcon or the owner as esteemed!
Might be worth reaching out to support and checking it's not just a glitch that a code hasn't been sent out to you. The email doesn't offer any other qualification criteria, so can't clarify what might have caused some to have been excluded.
Did anyone else get a personal voucher for UVI? I just saw an email saying I have one for 50% off until 19 March 2024. If you haven't seen an email like that but are an existing customer/subscriber it might be worth checking your account to see if you have a personal voucher too.

(Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere; I couldn't find anything and wanted to alert people to the possibility.)
I have a voucher. Hoping they release something new before it expires.
Having thought I didn't want anything, I surprised myself by being lured by Quadra Traveler. It's really well done. A few more effects - epscially granular - would be nice, and it would be cool to be able to browse and / or randiomise by geography. But as it is, it does work very well.
Nuttin ! Zip ! Zero ! Vouchers. 😭 Not 'esteemed' 😳
Got UVI Workstation (latest), Digtal Synsations, Austrian Grand, Model D, Noctua, Prime8+ ..... Subscribe to Newsletter, Portal always updated. What more can UVI ask ??

Voucher PLZ ! ✌🏻
I wasn’t sure if you were joking, but if not, most of those have been given away and this seemingly is only for people that have Falcon which costs real money.
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