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UPDATE: SINE 1.2.0 Released 8/31/2023 | Release Notes Updated 9/5/23

Was so happy to finally see them adding dB values, but was immediately let down when I realized it still doesn't work for microphone position sliders. 😞 Still, progress I guess...
Hey everybody,

We want to take a moment to reply to some of the comments and feedback that have popped up in this thread recently.

Some good news for you: You can expect a new SINE update in the very near future. It’s with our testers right now, and very nearly ready for public release. It’s not a huge update, but delivers a few fixes and bits and pieces. We can also tell you that you can expect a further SINE update in Q1 of 2024—this one will be more substantial. And while we’re on the topic of updates, you’ll be pleased to hear that the next Berlin Strings update is steadily progressing too.

We appreciate that it’s been a little while since the last update, and that we haven’t issued any official communication on the subject since the PVS keynote. Generally, we try to stay away from posting without having something to back it up, but we wanted to make an exception in this case as the discussion merits it. In the background, we’re always working on updates to SINE and continuing to improve our libraries, and this kind of community input and feedback is honestly very helpful.

Thank you for tagging us, and as a community, being passionate enough about what we do to keep us to our word and commitments—we genuinely appreciate it.

Hi @OrchestralTools!

Referring to the above post you made last August, what happened to the more substantial update to SINE due to release in Q1 2024? It's been a bit quiet on your front so I was hoping that this was because you were all busy working on the SINE player, and that you will have something exciting to announce soon. :elephant:

Q1 means 1 Quettasecond, that is, SINE will be updated within 31,709,791,983,764,586,504,312 years raised to 2024, assuming that the Big Bang was inflationary and that the same process that made baryons predominate over antibaryons in the early Universe also makes protons decay.
Hi @OrchestralTools!

Referring to the above post you made last August, what happened to the more substantial update to SINE due to release in Q1 2024? It's been a bit quiet on your front so I was hoping that this was because you were all busy working on the SINE player, and that you will have something exciting to announce soon. :elephant:

Hi there - thanks for your query, we always appreciate the community helping hold us to our word. We haven't forgotten about this update, and we're aware that we're behind schedule on it - for that, we'd like to sincerely apologize. But we haven't spent this time idly, and we are actively busy working behind the scenes. Again, our apologies for the delay.

Apologies if this has already been asked at length: Is OT planning on supporting purge?

I second this, please allow us to purge all active keyswitches of a patch and make them only load what is played. Currently the SINE player for me is a massive memory hog. :notworthy:
While the initial setup is a PITA, there is a way to accomplish this until a native purge option is properly implemented.

While the initial setup is a PITA, there is a way to accomplish this until a native purge option is properly implemented.

Are you a High Archmage?

Can't believe I didn't find this sooner. Thanks! :notworthy:
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