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Red Dead Redemption 2

I am so thirsty for a new "real" game. It has been a long time without significant releases. (Aside from Zero Dawn & Last Guardian, Uncharted).

There are 4 Games I am looking forward to in 2018: Red Dead Redemption II, The Last of US II, State of Decay II and Days Gone. I don't even care if most of them are sequels ore zombie games. It just feels like in 2017 the well of games has dried up.
Words cannot describe how stoked I am for this to be released. Just wondering if anyone here knows any of the Audio department or actually worked on this? This will be game of the decade for me! It's making me super excited to do an MFA in Game Music and Audio in January :)

Now I need to forget of it's existance because Spring 2018 now feels like a long time away

At least you don't have to wait years for a PC version...which may not even be released at all. :crying:
I am so thirsty for a new "real" game. It has been a long time without significant releases. (Aside from Zero Dawn & Last Guardian, Uncharted).

There are 4 Games I am looking forward to in 2018: Red Dead Redemption II, The Last of US II, State of Decay II and Days Gone. I don't even care if most of them are sequels ore zombie games. It just feels like in 2017 the well of games has dried up.

Waiting for Wolfenstein II...just because I want to hear what Mick Gordon has done with the soundtrack!
Ha! I'd never heard that music and was very pleased you posted. Thanks.

Sooo..."Very ballsy" was actually referring to the music of the new Wolfenstein? Not to the fact that I disregarded an entire game series (the old ones before the reboot of the franchise?) Thank god, was expecting a bunch of crazed fan boys to show up on my doorstep! :rofl:
Not to derail a thread about RDD2 (which I can't wait for either), but a new game I'm excited about is Dreams. They're developing a unique audio engine that'll let you create sounds and music inside the game.

Anyway, how great was this moment??

Dreams. Isn’t that Media Molecule (Little Big Planet)? Very creative fun Dev!
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