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Logic tutorials

Video: groove3 and macprovideo are good.
On the free side there is no shortage of tutorials on YouTube...

Logic's manual is pretty comprehensive
Edgar Rothermich - has nice visuals that can help with complex concepts
David Nahmani - writes the manuals that are (or were - not sure if this is still thing) used for Apple's certification tests. Very thorough and come with project files.
The MusicTech Help Guy videos are basic but well organized and strike a good balance between being thorough and not going too fast but also not being too detailed or moving glacially slow. I recently watched his full set as a refresher, since I'd missed a lot of the updates when my system fell behind the current version for Logic.

The biggest problem with most YouTube tutorials are that they stop at being an overview and rarely get to even intermediate knowledge. You'll occasionally find more advanced topics in tips and tricks. But anything like thorough going advanced knowledge, you won't find on YouTube. At least I haven't found it on YouTube.

Many thanks for all of your suggestions. The tip concerning the fader/automation edits was especially helpful in my current situation. Hopefully this will reduce the number of my inane questions through this forum. I asked our program administrator to print out the Logic manual. She called to ask if I would donate a tree for the cause.
Thanks again
I would not recommend printing Logic’s manual, Logic 11 is about to be released and the printed manual won’t update :sad:
Try using the online help and maybe downloading a pdf of the manual - but bear in mind the date of it.
David’ Nahmani’s books are also good value - notwithstanding parts become out of date quickly - it covers the basics well.
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