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CUE conference – no music vendors at all


Senior Member
I had the opportunity to attend the CUE conference last week in Palm Springs, California. CUE is the largest education technology conference in California. I heard about 8,000 teachers attended. https://www.cue.org/

Part of the conference was a trade show with 100+ vendors. There was everything including robotics, AutoCAD, programming, math, science, and lots of regular ed-tech stuff, but not a single vendor from the music industry.

I was expecting at least Avid, given how much they push K-12 education with ProTools and Sibelius. Even Adobe only had a presence through resellers, and that was focused the hosted Creative Suite.

It’s really not surprising that music is getting defunded in public education if the vendors can’t be bothered to get the teachers interested or show them what is possible.

I was really surprised.

Damn shame. While I tolerated music school when I was a kid, I relent a missed opportunity now. Though I did learn the music to the old Hovis advert on the piano. Also reading this reminds of a quote from that great film 'Mr Holland's Opus'. Seems to be getting closer every year

Vice Principal Wolters: I care about these kids just as much as you do. And if I'm forced to choose between Mozart and reading and writing and long division, I choose long division.

Glenn Holland: Well, I guess you can cut the arts as much as you want, Gene. Sooner or later, these kids aren't going to have anything to read or write about.

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