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Cubase Not Saving Metronome Settings (10.5.20 MacOS Catalina)

Jeremy Gillam

Senior Member
I'm getting a strange behavior with the click settings in Cubase 10.5.20 on MacOS Catalina. When I uncheck "Click during Count-In" or the other click options boxes then close the metronome setup window, the settings are not saved and when I reopen the window the boxes are all checked again. Anyone else running into this?

Screen Shot 2020-07-07 at 1.57.46 PM.png
Running Nuendo 10.3 (which uses the same code base as Cubase 10.5) on Windows and see the same thing. Not finding anything in the Transport/Metronome preferences that overides this so it might be 'as designed'...
Pretty certain it's a bug because I can't turn off count in as I used to be able to do (doesn't allow you to type a value of zero). Why have a checkbox if it doesn't do anything?
Think you're onto something. You logged a ticket with Steinberg? If we want a fix in 2022, we may have to submit one soon :0)
The issue wasn't present in 10.5.12 but it was there after I ran the update, so it's definitely a new bug. I think the one time I filed a ticket with Steinberg it took them 5 months to get back to me so I haven't yet, but I will now.
This small workaround helped me. I discovered I have the same problem with 10.5.2 The pause before going into record was driving me crazy.
Try this:
Go to Metronome Setup, set Count-in to 1 and then select Use Custom Time Signature and set a Custom Time Signature of 1/4. It makes going into record almost instantaneous. Hope this helps.
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