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Create a conductor's file (Streamers & Punches/Beats/Cue Title)


Active Member
Dear all,

I need to create a conductor's video for a life-to-picture performance so I would need to prepare the film with streamers and punches as well as the barnumber/beat number so that the conductor can make sure to get all the hit points right. Is there a way to create this video layer in Cubase based on the tempo and bar track?

Or if people offer this service, what would be a reasonable amount per film minute? Of course I would prefer doing it myself.
Bump. Cool question. I wonder if conductors are mostly working with click in the in ear. Why not the whole ensemble? Or at least section leaders? Ive heard video sync can make a steamer layer. I’d love to see
this done inside Cubase! Also I’ve heard DP does this steamer feature.
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