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Cinematic Studio Strings v1.7 - Available August 30!

Oops forgot to reply the legato part of your question, @Casiquire. Basically, I think that Low Latency legato will handle most of your needs, most of the time. I spent ages on this mode - its aim is to be as playable and realistic as possible, with minimal editing. I personally use it almost exclusively now, but I also left the original "Advanced" mode from the original version more or less 100% intact - there are still times when this mode sounds more appropriate / better for certain passages - especially slower material. Advanced has been renamed to "Expressive".

So in summary, Standard / Advanced has been replaced by Low Latency / Expressive.

Yes, the timing between CSS's new Low Latency mode and CSSS's Standard mode is a bit different, therefore you may need to slightly adjust your workflow to achieve the "1st chair layering" technique. However, Expressive mode lines up perfectly with Advanced mode, so you could still use those two together without issue. You could also potentially use the "Classic legato" patches in CSSS if you want them to line up (timing wise) with CSS's Low Latency mode, as it's close enough to not be noticeable.

I'm hard at work on the CSSS update to implement Low Latency legato mode etc (you can hear the new solo violin 1 in the mid section of the Together Again demo. When that's ready it will line back up again perfectly with CSS, but for now the above workaround should be fine.
Since you're here answering questions... What are your thoughts on future product lines? Do you ever see yourself doing libraries like tundra, chamber strings etc?
I've got a couple of exciting projects in the works at the moment, in addition to completing the updates for the rest of the series. I do fully intend to do more stuff with strings in the future, but I can't really expand on that yet.
Brilliant. Libraries with ultra high quality control like yours are the best. Humanization can be added if desired, but sloppy editing cannot be fixed in the daw.
Hey Alex, congrats and thank you on this exciting update. As someone who has used CSS on many projects, the replacing of the old version is a huge deal, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around how I’m going to deal with it. Is there any way to at least keep the old version intact and simply install the updated version as a separate library? This would be soooo much easier because the new version could be used yet all the old stuff would load without constantly having to rename the folders.

I mean, if this this would require new serial numbers from NI (with a cost to that) I’d totally be willing to pay for the convenience.
Hey Alex, congrats and thank you on this exciting update. As someone who has used CSS on many projects, the replacing of the old version is a huge deal, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around how I’m going to deal with it. Is there any way to at least keep the old version intact and simply install the updated version as a separate library? This would be soooo much easier because the new version could be used yet all the old stuff would load without constantly having to rename the folders.

I mean, if this this would require new serial numbers from NI (with a cost to that) I’d totally be willing to pay for the convenience.
Hi David, I appreciate your situation - sorry but this is the only way I'm afraid. Creating a whole new product in NI would have been much more difficult for us, and I also feel that it would have lead to too much confusion. I expect that people will be happy to move over to the new version once and for all, when it's convenient for them.
Hi David, I appreciate your situation - sorry but this is the only way I'm afraid. Creating a whole new product in NI would have been much more difficult for us, and I also feel that it would have lead to too much confusion. I expect that people will be happy to move over to the new version once and for all, when it's convenient for them.
Cool, thanks Alex, and I can see how that could open a whole can of worms. For me actually I realized since I run it in VEPro, I can just keep the previous version installed on that machine for a while, and run the new version on my DAW machine. 😉

Oh, and by the way, amazing update! It sounds phenomenal.
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Thanks Alex, really excited! Of all the dozens of string libraries, you have the best sounding room. I wish you would do a few expansion packs, adding sul tasto, flautando, vari-speed trills m2nd to P4th, some more varied shorts, etc. And another string library of real sordino! Cheers
Thanks Alex, really excited! Of all the dozens of string libraries, you have the best sounding room. I wish you would do a few expansion packs, adding sul tasto, flautando, vari-speed trills m2nd to P4th, some more varied shorts, etc. And another string library of real sordino! Cheers
That's great!!!
Thanks Alex for this fantastic free update. I love to see this type of dedication to a product, and I have no doubt that it will pay off with further sales.

Can you explain what we should expect from the low latency legato mode in terms of usage? Will it work similarly to "look ahead legato" in other libraries, or it be a standard type but with a smaller delay?
Check out a walkthrough from CSW, that has it implemented. It's easier to see from a walkthrough video, but basically it's (more than) "good enough" legato mode without needing to offset notes.
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