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Chris Hein solo violin

I would say, forget it. These harmonics are changing all the time, thats not a simple articulation change.
But if you send me a MIDI file, I can try.

However, for this kind of performance its actually not even worth trying to re-create it.
Sometimes we sample freaks forget that there are still real musicians, desperately waiting for a studio job.
I have no idea how much this bill is the guys got (both got money btw.) But I'm sure its less than I would charge to re-create it. ;)

Chris Hein
I would say, forget it. These harmonics are changing all the time, thats not a simple articulation change.
But if you send me a MIDI file, I can try.

However, for this kind of performance its actually not even worth trying to re-create it.
Sometimes we sample freaks forget that there are still real musicians, desperately waiting for a studio job.
I have no idea how much this bill is the guys got (both got money btw.) But I'm sure its less than I would charge to re-create it. ;)

Chris Hein
Yeah I know, ......I have become a sample freak.

still I hope one day......

But just to make sure: Working with real musicians is also the only way real music gets transferred and (re) created. I absobloodylutely agree on that.
I just cannot find somebody in my network that can play like the two gentleman in the video's. So I have to find ways to get the music in my head into a form that fits with what I hear.

When the audition 2.0 funtionality is active at bestservice I am still going to try and play around with your vi violin and see how far I may get. ( although I think that the latency in playing via internet may interfere)

Thank you again very much for taking time to respond to my requests.
Enjoy the musicmesse!
Do Chris Hein instruments just use the standard NI Service Center for activating, so we can do this offline? Without any other fuss?
Yes, it's the standard NI activation process. Absolutely painless
Best regards

Thank you. This is probably a deal clincher for me. After listening/watching to what demos I could find, to my strictly amateur ear this is the best solo violin library I have heard.
I'm looking forward to this release. Even if it takes more work to achieve more-realistic results, I welcome the options. The alternative is less options / less-realistic results or pay a violinist who is somewhat accomplished. I typically don't have the budget for that. Great job Chris and Naomi!
Forgive me if it says somewhere in this thread, but are there plans for the rest of the solo strings to be done in turn?
Forgive me if it says somewhere in this thread, but are there plans for the rest of the solo strings to be done in turn?
I haven't decided yet. To be honest, it depends on the selling.
You won't believe how much time and money I spent in this single instrument.

Chris Hein
It must be staggering! Hard to believe you could ever make back the investment. But, I'd think that having done the first, the others would go much faster. Holding out hope, at least :)
I haven't decided yet. To be honest, it depends on the selling.
You won't believe how much time and money I spent in this single instrument.
Chris Hein

Definitively it's one of the toughest challenges in this job. Congrats Chris it sounds great!
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