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Assignment with Cubase 12 , Albion One and Monogram Controller


Senior Member
Hi folks,

I need your advice.
I want to program the keys of my Monogram Controller to control Spitfire Albion One Keyswitches within my DAW "Cubase 12 Pro".

So pressing the first key on my Monogram Controller should press "C-1" in Cubase 12 in the Kontakt-Albion-One.
Pressing the second key on the Monogram controller should press "C#-1" in Cubase 12 Pro within the Kontakt-Albion-One.

How can I achieve this result?

Do I have to use the new controller assignment system in Cubase 12 to have a quick result?
Must I set the Monogram to anything?

I am totally overwhelmed with this question. Don't know the answer.
Don't really understand the new assignment system. Don't know how to achieve any reasonable result....

Thanks to all of you for your replies.

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