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No Nut November! Who's in?

Peanuts (in pure form): i don't like them..
I like other nuts though, all kinds, i often have a box with a mixture of nuts (peanuts not included, luckely)

I don't mind peanuts in snacks, like "nuts", "snickers" and the likes.
Apparently it improves one's self-discipline and makes men more attractive to the opposite sex. Not really sure. I have a feeling I've not really understood what it's all about.
I would probably be banging my head against a stone wall 24/7 out of fury. Not sure how attractive that is...
Nuts not my thing.
Coffee would be more an issue for me not having daily.
@ 20 years ago I stopped all caffeine for one month, experienced an annoying headache for most of two days. Then after the month was over, I had my first cup of java.
The sensation of having a cat jump on your back, its claws digging in could not better describe the effects of that caffeine on my body. Despite that, I enjoy a thermos/day.

No Nut November! Who's in?
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