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Omnisphere 2. A must buy?


Luke Johnson
I've been meaning to buy Omnisphere 2 for a loooooong time and I was thinking this might be the week I finally pull the trigger with no bills looming over my head for a change. What are people's thoughts on Omnisphere 2 especially with so many Soft synths in existence these days. To me it looks like a beast and being able to import my own audio is a massive draw to me.

Thoughts? Feelings? Would other things do the same thing? Would love to hear your opinions...
It's a beast. What really does it for me is the vast sound-library that comes with it. Metals, strings, voices, sampled synths, buzzing electronics and more, that can be easily manipulated and turned into something cool. It does take some time to get into, but it's well worth it :) It's not as "digital" sounding as Serum, but has a lot more "organic" type sounds, that I really like. I think you'll love it!
The mustest buy of all must buys, IMO. Hasn't aged a bit, and you could probably continue to write different sounding tracks the rest of your life just with O2.
I'm pretty sure I haven't produced a single piece without using it since I bought it when it came out.
This is what I want to hear. A few people have said everyone sounds the same with it so how true is that? I guess all of us could sound the same if we just used the same presets but I'm interested in the Audio Import. Is it possible to complete twist out my own audio? Play my own audio with a keyboard of iPad?
I think it depends what kind of music you're producing, I bought it recently after being persuaded by the Keyscape crossover patches but have hardly used it, can't exactly say why but I find the Omnisphere aesthetic just doesn't gel with what I'm aiming for... In fairness though I've built up such a huge collection of VSTs that I'm completely overwhelmed by options when I'm making a track, and maybe that's another reason why Omnisphere hasn't really broken through for me.
A few people have said everyone sounds the same with it so how true is that?

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while, these people have no idea what they are talking about. Even if you are a preset guy, there over TWELVE THOUSAND sounds to choose. The interface is very intuitive and easy to tweak, so no way "everyone sounds the same with it". No freaking way.

Omnisphere is going to be your most regret-free purchase, trust me. :thumbsup:
It's a beast. What really does it for me is the vast sound-library that comes with it. Metals, strings, voices, sampled synths, buzzing electronics and more, that can be easily manipulated and turned into something cool. It does take some time to get into, but it's well worth it :) It's not as "digital" sounding as Serum, but has a lot more "organic" type sounds, that I really like. I think you'll love it!
It takes some time to get into on its deeper levels, but part of the brilliance of Omnisphere 2 is that you have thousands of great sounds out of the box ready to go, so it can be as simple or as complex as you choose. It may be the best designed software package, for any use in any field of endeavor, I've ever seen.

If you're even asking the question, then you should absolutely get this.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while, these people have no idea what they are talking about. Even if you are a preset guy, there over TWELVE THOUSAND sounds to choose. The interface is very intuitive and easy to tweak, so no way "everyone sounds the same with it". No freaking way.

Omnisphere is going to be your most regret-free purchase, trust me. :thumbsup:

Yes well please don't mistake what I have said as being something I think. If I gave other other people my exact Guitar setup they and I wouldn't play or sound the same so the philosophy is similar.

Sod it. I'm buying it.
It's truly amazing. I was a bit unsure what it was used for at first. Since getting it I don't really use it much as a softsynth, but what it's properly incredible at is the kind of stuff where you think "That's too organic to make in a synth, but I wouldn't know where to find it in a sample library". I've lost count of the amount of times I've thought "How can I make that sound?", and then been able to make it in omnisphere. One of my best purchases for sure.
You're gonna really enjoy it! I love the choices of waveforms and how easy it is to try their unique sound design instead of synth waves. Only thing I don't like are a lot of the effects, that's how patches start sounding similar. Be sure to learn how to create projects and manage your sounds so you don't get overwhelmed :)
(Preparing for the razing)...not if you have and have mastered Zebra/HZ.

Go ahead, folks (taking cover).
Zebra and Omnisphere are two different animals and both worthy of being in the tool box. I've been meaning to buy both for a couple of years but the truth is I haven't because I generally make all my own electronic stuff from manipulating my Guitars and other things so just as I go to buy them, I end up having to spend my money on something else. Like a bill or a new Spitfire library. Which reminds me. After I get Zebra, Phobos will be the next one and to be honest, I can't imagine buying another synth unless it's hardware.
A few people have said everyone sounds the same with it so how true is that?

In my opinion this statement has to do with the fact that Eric Persing as a master of sound creation for sure has a personal style, which is recognizable as the style of a composer.
(In fact, many of his complex sounds are instant mini compositions that have been used over and over again.)

Still, this statement has not to be true. It depends very much on how one uses the sounds.

Said that, i'm still fine with Omnisphere 1, it's still a goldmine for lots of interesting sounds.
For sound creation i prefer other synths/samplers, specially Zebra (HZ).
Zebra and Omnisphere are two different animals and both worthy of being in the tool box.

I respectfully disagree, once I mastered Zebra I sold Omnisphere, and never needed it since. There was a short cue I was paid to write last year, and the director actually demanded I use Omnisphere . I told him sure, did the cue up with Zebra, and spent my money.

There are differences, however I would venture to say that you could do quite well with one or the other. I have.

I know quite a few folks who have both and never learned how to use either of them.
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