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UI Sound Design Question

Daniel Petras

Active Member
I'm struggling to recreate a certain type of sound that I've heard across multiple different UI SFX libraries. It's a high-pitched metallic type sound that has a lot fuller tone compared to digital waves in that same register (at least the ones I've experimented with). For examples of the sound listen at 0:08, 0:23 0:43, etc.

I've tried a lot of different synthesis techniques but haven't quite gotten the sound. I'm wondering if these are organic samples or maybe an analogue synth (with which I have no experience).
Does this sound close to you? https://app.box.com/s/u60reh4dvcd7mh3o8g25c5k09ntx1k0z

I put it together using Razor. For that type of glitch I usually think of additive first, then maybe FM, or granular.
Thanks for sending that. It's not the same tone and sounds similar to what I'm getting. The closest thing so far has been using metallic sounds like chimes as samples but still not exactly what I want. I'm thinking it's more a sample based sound because I've tried several synths and they don't seem very capable of producing that kind of tone (without a sample). I even messaged the guy that made the library, but his techniques are very similar to what I'm doing. Odd...
Interesting! I'm thinking it might be some sort of granular-ish approach where you cut up the tail and attack of those samples, and pitch them around + reorder them in your DAW. Let me know if you manage to get closer! I might give it another try at some point too. This is definitely an area of sound design I want to gain more experience at
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