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Been gone for some time. The name's Poncho...

Sears Poncho

Senior Member
...Sears Poncho. Nice to see so many old names etc, nice to be back. Took some time off due to the pandemic, had a health problem last year etc. Been writing tons of orchestrations for symphony pops gigs, want to take a break from that and maybe make some new tracks or an album etc. Kinda looking forward to just playing and enjoying music and my toys. :) Hope everybody had a nice Thanksgiving.
Welcome back! Hope you jumped back in before BF, there have been more sales in the last 6 months than ever before. Ironically just as I’m saturated and have no need to look. Great that you’ve been writing.
...Sears Poncho. Nice to see so many old names etc, nice to be back. Took some time off due to the pandemic, had a health problem last year etc. Been writing tons of orchestrations for symphony pops gigs, want to take a break from that and maybe make some new tracks or an album etc. Kinda looking forward to just playing and enjoying music and my toys. :) Hope everybody had a nice Thanksgiving.
Wow, long time no see Sears! Great to see some all-time fantastic contributors coming back into the fray!

Welcome back!
Welcome back Poncho! I'm a quite new member on the forum, but have reading it extensively before finally becoming a member. :)
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