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Using a fader to control the stereo out volume in cubase


Active Member
Hey all!

I have setup a generic device in cubase to control my stereo out volume and it works great however each time when i reload the project the value resets from my stereo out to some random track in my project meaning that instead of controlling the stereo out volume it controls the volume of some random track or group on my project, i then go to device setup and switch it back until the next time i load my cubase project and i need to reset it back to stereo out.

Note that my faders are assigned to various things and this is the only value that is being funny ..

Any ideas?

I don´t know if there is an easy solution, I think cubase uses track numbers in generic remote, maybe if all of your sessions has the stereo out as first channel it wouldn´t change.

But, the way I do it is that a fader controls the control room level and not stereo out which is always at 0 (I assume that this you ultimate goal?)
Hey and thanks for the reply!

All I want is to control the volume of cubase without touching my soundcard's volume using my midi faders.

I tried enabling the control room and turning the volume has no effect .. i guess i need to set something up?

Never touch the stereo out volume. Bad gain staging, will lead to noise and/or distortion. Adjust your mix to hit the output at the right level.
No no you don't understand .. i just want to turn cubase volume overall when trying to listen to some windows audio .. youtube or an mp3 player of the like or if someone sits with me in the studio .. the faders are just really close to my hand and obviously i will return the volume to its original position once done.
Hey, fustrun! You should definitely use the Control Room for that. The topic is well covered by Steinberg @ YouTube (Greg Ondo's videos are worth a watch or two), so you shouldn't have much trouble setting it up. There's also another video by Soundiron where they show you how to set up a reference track using the Control Room, which is very useful for ABing mixes. You can then use the generic remote to control your entire studio, from monitors to headphones and cue mixes. Let me know if you need further help.
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