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How to recreate StaffPad hall on desktop?

Just a thought… If I recall correctly, @dcoscina mentioned in a thread a while ago, that David W. Hearn had recommended to use a tiny bit of compression in StaffPad when exporting stems, but I might be wrong..Can’t find the thread now. However, when I export stems I have the ’Dynamics’ slider set to maybe 1-2 %, and the imported stems in Logic sounds just like the StaffPad playback, to me at least..
David did indicate for the Berlin expansions especially to add some of that built in compression because they have a larger dynamic range in their samples than the other developer expansions.
... What's strange, too is that the stems all have sound glitches in some places. They can all be heard when you solo the instruments which further makes them unpleasant to listen to. For example, the Berlin Strings first violin in forte or fortissimo sometimes stutters on long sustained notes and it sometimes can even be heard through a tutti passage.

I've had occasional pops and clicks from Staffpad, had to manually fix them in Logic. I don't recall if the full export had them as well. For me, they had a tendency to happen during very abrupt/aggressive crescendos or decrescendos - e.g. going from f > p over only a beat or two. Sounds a little different than what you're running into.

This would be a pain but I wonder what would happen in your case if, instead of using the export stem feature, you manually solo'd the parts for each stem and did a full export (e.g. solo all of violin I/II, viola, cello, bass for the strings stem, do a full export, and so on for each orchestral section).

... The exported .wav file on the other hand is just fine which means I will be mixing everything in Staffpad despite the uncomfortable volume automation with the pen and then export the wav file just to master the piece.
Probably going to attempt this as well, and compare results with the DAW mix, though it won't quite be apples-to-apples.
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