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GVI Performance White Paper


Senior Member
TASCAM has completed a white paper that compares the performance of GVI, Kontakt and Halion. It's available here:

https://www.tascam.com/i-873-232-128-0-EE394747.pdf (GVI Performance White Paper)
Nice paper! It's really cool to see the numbers, even with the limitations (Windows Task Manager algorithm, no advanced filters, etc.)

From the disc streaming results, either Giga is running a really advanced streaming algorithm, or is using compression/decompression (lossless, of course), since the bandwidth is double, but the CPU usage higher.

This isn't a bad trade off, since CPU power keeps growing cycles and cores, but disk technology performance is fairly stagnant. The disks keep getting bigger, but rarely faster.

Consider the age of Western Digital's Raptors. How old are these now? They're still the fastest SATA disks around, but they only compete on speed - they haven't kept up in the size race, and they're still overpriced.

CPUs keep getting faster, wider and cheaper. https://anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/intel/ ... spx?i=3038 I hope to build a new 64-bit (Vista or XP64? Hmmm.) PC for Xmas, or maybe next summer...

Anyway, GVIs trend towards performance at the cost of a few CPU cycles is exactly right. Nice job!
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