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Looking for Mix Engineer


I introduced myself (partially) and my songs under this title.

I started to share my new songs under this title.

I use Guitar Pro to make music. I can't get enough quality sound. The songs are in their raw form. Programs like Cubase or FLStudio are very technical to me and, as far as I can see, require long experience and training. Every time I try, everything gets mixed up, or the sound disappears completely:) I want to give myself more melody and composition preparation. I thought that we could team up with someone rather than developing myself in these programs. I put creativity and imagination. My teammate makes the songs listenable :)

Then we publish them on youtube the same way. Maybe on a common channel. It could be for Hoby or it could be to inspire other projects in the future. I don't expect to make money. So it's not a paid job :) Maybe we'il have a story to tell our kids, so:) Of course, to improve ourselves.

I'm not very good at mixing because my right ear doesn't hear high frequencies. I don't play any instruments. I'm actually a science fiction and fantasy novelist. So I have a vast inner world that I feed on. I'm also writing lyrics, but it doesn't really matter right now. Does anyone want to be involved?

Thank you in advance for your interest.
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