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Library Spotlight - Hammers + Waves

Thanks for the review Cory, great that you're going to be doing the reviews of the purchases you want rather than of those you're sent.

Would love to see you review SUNSET STRINGS, I really enjoyed the fantasy piece where you used it at the beginning and would be interested in what tips and tricks you have for it.

Hope you're doing better. And bad luck if you're a Panthers fan, I'm sure they'll bounce back next week :)
Thanks for the review Cory, great that you're going to be doing the reviews of the purchases you want rather than of those you're sent.

Would love to see you review SUNSET STRINGS, I really enjoyed the fantasy piece where you used it at the beginning and would be interested in what tips and tricks you have for it.

Hope you're doing better. And bad luck if you're a Panthers fan, I'm sure they'll bounce back next week :)
Sunset Strings was one of the libraries I was given a while back. I enjoyed the library and had a lot to say about it, but the pressure I've grown to feel towards gifted libraries crashed my party and ruined the video I was attempting to make. One of a good handful of libraries that are still pensively awaiting a library spotlight video delivery... I guess I can at least say that the failure to meet demand still isn't as shameful as the PS5.
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